Our Principles
There are many different world-views people can hold, and this is vital to understanding the role money plays in our lives. We are all stewards of something. It’s important to understand why and how we are to continue in the role of stewards to live full lives.
Giving can look many different ways for people. We have found that those who also make giving a part of their lives, tend to enjoy not only their money more, but other aspects of their lives as well. Let’s work together to see how we can learn to give our time, talents, or treasures.
We adhere to time tested values and beliefs when it comes to our financial lives. Biblical views on money shape who we are and they have been helping us guide clients for decades. It is important to understand the role money will play in your life. Money makes a wonderful servant, but a ruthless master.
We do not believe we are meant to work hard, and then at some point, retire from life. We believe in retiring TO something, rather than just retiring FROM something. Financial independence can allow us to continue to live and work for a purpose in “retirement”. Let’s figure out together what your second act will look like and what brings you joy. Let’s build a plan.
"A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart."
— Jonathan Swift